Megan Fox is a 22 years old Actress from United States.
She was born in Rockwood, Tennessee, USA, under the name Megan Denise Fox.
Megan Fox's birthday is 16 May, 1986 & Her star sign is Taurus.
Her height is 5' 6" (1.68 m), She has a Brown - Dark hair & Blue Eyes.
Her nickname is: Mega Fox.
Megan Fox's build is Athletic.
Her list of relationships includes the names: Ben Leahy, David Gallagher, Brian Austin Green.
She had 3 award nomination[s], including: MTV Movie Award, National Movie Award, Young Artist Award.
ReplyDeletedee desi hot pics sexy wallpapers, wallpapers, debonair, actresses,
pics, photos, kaleidoscope, sexy, hotMake no mistake, DC takes a hell of a beating in Dark of the Moon, ... is actually pretty good here and certainly miles better than Megan Fox